12241 Tilney Court
Woodbridge, VA 22192
Board of Trustees and Officers
Executive Director: Jerome L. Pionk, Ph.D., SGM, USA, Retired
President Emeritus: Doctor Bruce E. McLelland

Veteran's and Reserve Affairs:
Frank Murtha, SGM, USAR, Retired
Awards and Recognition:
George Taylor, SGM, USA, Retired
Australia and Oceana Region
Mr. Dennis Daley
Korea, Guam, Japan/Okinawa
Donald Wong, MSG, USA, Retired
Europe, Mideast, and Africa
Mr. John Park
Pacific Region (Alaska and Hawaii):
Cielito Jackson, SGM, USA
Northwest Region (WA, OR, ID, UT)
Danny Woo, MSG, USAR, Retired
Southwest Region (AZ, NM, CA, CO, NV)
Russell Madden, MSG, USA, Retired
Prairies States Region (MT, ND, NE, SD, WY)
Jeff Thronson, US Army Veteran
Midwest Region (MN, IA, IL, IN, MO, OH, WI)
Clem Schroeder, US Army Veteran
Northeast Region (CT, MA, ME, MI, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT)
Rick Martin, SGM, USA, Retired
Southeast Region (AL,GA, FL, PR, SC, VI)
Gary Hellums, SGM, USA, Retired
Mid Atlantic Region (DC, DE, MD, NC, KY, TN, VA, WV)
Carl Garner, MSG, USA, Retired
South Central Region (AR, KS, LA, MS, OK, TX)
Bill Groce, SGM, USA, Retired
Public Affairs Director
Jerome L. Pionk,LTC, US Army |