AMRAC is committed to education, patriotism and personal achievement. As part of NGOB Incorporated, and a partner with the Association of Military Recruiters and Counselors, a charitable veteran's association, NGOB publishing seeks to promote historical and patriotic publishing by AMRAC members. NGOB Publishing is registered with R.W. Bowker and has the authority to publish written materials, books and video productions. NGOB Publishing issues ISBNs and submits copyrights to the U.S Copyright Office and manuscripts to the Library of Congress as necessary.
Proceeds from NGOB publications go to AMRAC's charitable activities. A portion of the proceeds goes for printing costs and shipping. Individual members who are in search of a publisher are welcome to submit manuscripts to NGOB Publishing for consideration. Since NGOB Publishing is a subsidiary of the AMRAC, a tax-exempt veteran's association, we require all authors who publish through our association to donate all profits after initial publication and marketing costs to our charities. Authors may be requested to defray printing, editing and set up charges from their own funds that will be reimbursed through book sales. We are a non-profit organization and are not permitted to use organization funds to promote personal projects unless they benefit our members or charitable causes.
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12241 Tilney Court
Woodbridge, VA 22192
Achieving Your Education Goals While In Military Service
Jarrod Sadulski
Price $10.00
Vignettes 107 pages
Author: Jerome L. Pionk
Price $5.00
History of Military
Retention 243 pages
Author: Jerry Pionk
Price: $15.00
Strength Maintenance Philosophy 400 pages
Author: Sam Kanouse
Price: $20.00
Book Description
Military members have many resources open to them in attaining their desired education credentials. This book, by AMRAC member Jarrod Sadulski provides an easy to follow methodology for the avid military learner. It is simple and straight forward and provides useful data that will enable the reader to move forward in attaining that elusive degree. A must read for education counselors and aspiring learners alike. The book can be ordered directly from the author at Price: $10.00.
Book Description
Prairie Vignettes is a look at life on the South Dakota prairie from the eyes of a young boy growing up in the late 1950s and through the 1960s. There are 20 separate stories (or vignettes) which each tells of life's adventures during blizzards, hunting trips, nature gone crazy, wild animals and interesting people and times tempered by innocence, adversity and family values. Baby boomers and people from small town America in particular will be touched by these stories which are all based on the author's early life and experiences.
Book Description The History of Military Retention is a compilation of excerpts of historical accounts, studies, and papers that have been assembled in sequence from before the American Revolution up to the present day. It is a factual history that will benefit the professional counselor or the history buff that wants to enhance their personal knowledge, job expertise or as a supplement to other historical accounts.
Book Description
Strength Maintenance Philosophy is a factual theory on managing military or non-military organizations. The basic premise of this book is that personnel management is a science that is to be approached by the professional manager with a plan and a course of execution that will make the plan work effectively. Retired SGM Sam Kanouse outlines a simple to understand methodology based on over 24 years National Guard service. Sam went on to found the successful company: Management Training Consultants, Inc (MTCI) in Dumfries, VA. The company is still thriving and serves as a legacy to Sam, who died of leukemia in October, 2009.