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AMRAC Charities

As a tax exempt veteran's organization, under Section 501c (19) of the IRS Code, and a tax exempt charity under Section 501c (3) of the IRS Code, the Association of Military Recruiters and Counselors is committed to helping others, particularly America's veterans, service members and their families. We are in the Washington DC National Capital Area Combined Federal Campaign- CFC number 12936.

Charitable donations. Donations, either in the form of cash or serviceable items are welcome. Cash donations are used to defray our scholastic grants during the year as well as to support donations to worthy causes that our organization supports. AMRAC has supported youth groups, gifts to the families of needy and recently deceased veterans, and numerous charities at the local level. Any AMRAC member is encouraged to contact us at to either make a donation, or to let us know of a needy situation where our charitable causes can be best served. Our local members also volunteer their time and services in many charitable causes ranging from help in sporting activities, fundraisers, preparation of government or private forms, educational counseling and many others. If in doubt, please ask!

Tax Receipts. AMRAC will issue a tax receipt for any cash or serviceable donated items. Please contact us at the above listed e-mail address in case of a lost receipt or if a receipt was not received.

Our Charitable Goals. We are a well intentioned group of military members and veterans that share a common commitment to charity. We not only believe in charity among ourselves, but also in the community. Although many veteran's organizations share our principles (such as the VFW, American Legion, AMVETS and others), the truth is that none of them share the common sense of purpose that we have experienced as a result of affiliation with one of the military's more thankless tasks--recruiting and counseling. Ours is a segment of the veteran and military population that endures hardship during wartime and peacetime. Our colleagues have always relied on each other to help out in bad times. Our aim is to gain recognition for our group and to grow into a helping, charitable organization. AMRAC members have a solid commitment of duty to our country and fellow veterans in time of need. AMRAC and its members expect no profit...only charity to our fellow veterans and a show of patriotism to America and her veterans and the youth of America- the leaders of tomorrow.

Association of Military Recruiters and Counselors | Tax Exempt | Donations